Basic Rigging and Signal Person Safety Training

Course Length: 6-8 hours


The new OSHA standard states, “Employers must use qualified riggers during hoisting activities for assembly and disassembly work.  Additionally, qualified riggers are required whenever workers are within the fall zone and hooking, unhooking, or guiding a load, or doing the initial connection of a load to a component or structure.

This Basic Rigging and Signal Person Safety Training course gives workers the knowledge needed to rig safely on the job site.  Class discussions and demonstrations will give workers the explanation needed to understand what stresses are placed on rigging and the load during hoisting operations.

In addition, inspection and removal criteria will be discussed and hands-on inspection will be included.

A written test and practical at the end of the class will assess each participant’s ability to solve rigging related problems.  Each participant will receive a “Qualified Rigger” card.  This course satisfies the requirements for Washington State.

Rigging and Signal Person

Qualified Signal Person

Course Content:

  • General requirements, duties and responsibilities of a signal person.
  • Mobile, overhead and tower crane functions.
  • Hand and voice communications.
  • Crane limitations created by radius, boom angle, load drift, two blocking, boom deflection, dynamic loading, side loading, capacity limitations and quadrants of operation.
  • Hazards and requirements of working around energized power lines.
  • Regulations and Signal Person responsibilities regarding the use of suspended personnel platforms.
  • Practical and written test or assessment

Signalperson is required, according to OSHA regulations, in the following situations:

  • The operator does not have a full view of the point of operation
  • The operator’s view is obstructed in the direction that the equipment is moving
  • The operator or the person handling the load feels that a signal person is needed
  • Anytime there are site-specific safety concerns

Upon completion of Basic Rigging and Signal Person Safety Training course participant will receive a “Qualified Signalperson” card.

Qualified Rigger

This course covers all Basic Rigging and Signal Person Safety Training requirements per 29CFR1926.1400 – the new rules regarding cranes on constructions sites or supporting construction activities.  Any riggers and/or signal persons must be qualified when working with cranes.  This 1-day course covers everything in the new federal crane rule in the classroom training including the requirements for Washington State.

Class content includes:

  • When a qualified rigger is required
  • Inspection and rejection criteria for chain, synthetic and wire rope
  • Requirements for documentation of inspections
  • Proper use of basic rigging configurations
  • Course handouts and reference book

A qualified rigger is required when:

  • Workers are within the fall zone and hooking, unhooking, or guiding a load, or
  • Doing the initial connection of a load to a component or structure

Upon completion of the course, the participant will receive a “Qualified Rigger” card.

Contact Cade for our current class schedule, prices, and group rates.

Fill out the form below or call (253) 922-2787

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