Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Climate change poses risks to the construction industry. Through our Sustainability 2017 Goals and our corporate greenhouse gas management directive, we are committed to making progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our operations.
- Our Sustainability 2017 Goal for greenhouse gas emissions called for a 5 % reduction of our total emissions
Performance on this goal versus the baseline year resulted in a greenhouse gas emissions reduction of 5% through 2025. In other words, we will have reduced our total annual greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 28 metric tons, which is equivalent to:
- The annual greenhouse gas emissions of about 6 passenger vehicles
- The carbon dioxide emissions from electricity use of nearly 6 homes over one year
- The carbon dioxide emissions from burning 3,120 gallons of gasoline
From 2013 to 2017, our total greenhouse gas emissions have decreased approximately 1 %
How We Reach Our Goal:
To help reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, we support:
- Voluntary reporting of greenhouse gas emissions
- Reducing our e-waste & re-using / recycle materials
- Implementing high efficiency and innovative technologies
- Selecting fleet vehicles to reduce fleet emissions
How We Calculate Our Results:
We report greenhouse gas emissions in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents. This includes:
- Direct CO2 from fuels used and other greenhouse gases from our operations
- Indirect carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) from purchased electricity
- CO2e from business air travel and Sales fleet
Implementing new procedures to reduce our direct and indirect greenhouse gas and other significant air emissions.
We are continually seeking innovative and practical methods to improve our energy efficiency and increase our contribution to the development of the smart energy ecosystem.
Our job sites use practical methods to enhance water conservation and sustainability practices.
Taking advantage of opportunities to increase recycling, including of e-waste, and to decrease the amount of waste sent to landfills, as well as continue to implement best management practices across all our locations .
We calculate greenhouse gas emissions from fuel use using emissions factors from:
- S. EPA Mandatory Reporting Rule (40 CFR 98) – Industrial Sector
- eGRID 2012: Emissions and Generated Resource Integrated Database
- S. EPA office for atmospheric programs (for U.S. operations)
- The International Energy Agency (IEA) CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion: 2012 (for international operations)
Business air travel and fleet emissions are calculated based on U.S. EPA Climate Leaders: Optional Emissions from Commuting, Business Travel and Product Transport (May 2008 EPA 430-R-08-006) factors for short, medium and long haul air travel segments.
The Risks and Opportunities Associated with Climate Change
Our enterprise risk management process identifies, quantifies and addresses the risks facing the company. Climate change poses potential commercial risks for our company and the construction industry in general.
Our long-term ability to operate and provide customers with services they need is at risk without reliable sources of energy and clean water. We have therefore identified these as key sustainability issues for our company and have implemented programs to maximize our efficient use of these resources.
The ability of our operations to manage energy efficiently, reduce operating costs and GHG emissions, leverage innovative technologies and quickly adapt to changing physical conditions resulting from climate change may produce sources of competitive advantage.
Cannon Companies is committed to minimizing impacts to the environment throughout our business. We expand our operations while aiming to minimize our carbon footprint, conserve water and reduce waste, and we utilize products that take into account environmental and social impacts.